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[7 minutes required to read this course document ]

1 Day (7 Hours)
RM 400 per participant (HRDF Claimable)
MIN/MAX Participants 
Minimum 5 participants, MAximum 20 participants

         “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” 
                                                                     j.r.r. tolkien

Google Calendar is the time management and scheduling tool created by Google. It allows you to make appointments, organise your daily tasks, and more.

  1. You will be able to use Google Calendar to improve productivity & time management by:
  2. planning a meeting, and reminders to participants of meeting time 
  3. self-reminder notes and planning your own time efficiently 
  4. book time of participants for any events and attendance response 
  5. Using mobile technology to notify of upcoming events 
  6. prepare participants/students towards a planned & organised working life
REQUIRED: Your own e-mail address and your own/company laptop

  1. If you have an e-mail account, attend meetings/discussions/appointments 
  2. You miss those meetings/discussion/appointments for any reason
  3. You are having difficulty organising and completing your work 

1. Trainer and Course Introduction
  1. Trainer & Introduction of Calendars
2. Manage Time vs Manage Attention 
  1. Weakness of time management alone
  2. Techniques of being attentive and focussed 
  3. Combining attentiveness and time for better results 
  4. Using Calendars to achieve attention & time management
3. The ‘What’ ,’Who’, ‘Why’, ‘When’ & ‘How’  for Calendars
  1. First, reference class forecasting
  2. 4W and 1H matters
  3. Inspiration from professional chefs
  4. Google Calendar Infographic
4. Essentials of Google Calendar
  1. Making appointments
  2. Organise daily tasks
  3. Send e-mail (Yes, you can send e-mails through GOOGLE calendar!)
5. Setting and Getting Events & Tasks 
  1. Setting work hours in Google Calendar
  2. Adding Tasks
  3. Getting your daily agenda by email
  4. How to set event auto reminders
  5. Creating automatic events
  6. Viewing colleagues calendars
  7. Drag & drop multiple day events

6. Links to Outside Google Calendar
  1. Adding Facebook Events to Google Calendar
  2. Add calendars of Religious/National Holidays 
  3. Embed Your Calendar into Your Website

7.  Privacy & Sharing through Google Calender
  1. Types of Google Calendar View
  2.  Sharing events,tasks, appointments with Calendar
  3. Adding attachments to Google Calendar 
  4. Notifications: Enable, Change or Turn Off 
  5. Update through Calendar Sync  
  6. Sync with iPhone/Android 
  7. Show or hide privacy settings of  Guest 
     Day |   Week  |  Month  |  Year

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